Designing the Perfect Reception Area

Learn how to design your office’s reception area.
If you own an office or even a whole office building, it is important to design a welcoming reception area. Clients or customers that come to your office will probably spend time in your waiting or reception area, so it is important that it is smartly designed. Afterall, the reception area will most likely be the first space your clients or customers see when first visiting your space. It is very important that your guests feel welcomed and comfortable in your space, which should serve as a reflection of what you and your company or organization strive to represent. When designing a reception area, these goals can be difficult to envision and even more difficult to attain. Follow these tips and tricks to make designing your perfect reception area fast and easy.
Choosing Furniture
Perhaps the most important aspect of designing your new reception area is picking and choosing furniture that will compliment your company’s aesthetic as well as fit the space. First and foremost, you need to select a reception desk. The reception desk should be the focal point of your waiting room; it should be the area of the room that clients’ eyes are drawn to first. It should be easily seen and accessible from the entrance of your reception area. When picking out a reception desk, make sure it not only fits the space properly, but has enough storage to suit your company’s needs. It is imperative that the desk is kept clean and clutter-free, and the easiest way to do this is to ensure that there is enough area to store your things.
Next, consider seating for your clients and customers. Try to make the space professional and attractive, but also comfortable. Try to keep track how many clients come in and out of your office on any given business day to give you a good idea of how many seats you will need. Make sure that your seating is not took big; it is important to leave enough room between pieces of furniture so people can easily maneuver their ways through the room.
Colors and Decor
Perhaps one of the best ways to liven up your reception area is with a dash of color and some tasteful decor. When choosing colors and furniture, consider that your choices will affect how your visitors feel and how they will later come to think of your business or organization. If you want to achieve a calming effect, consider going with green or blue for the walls. Stay away from yellows and reds, as these colors evoke anxiety and aggression.
Once you have decided on furniture and colors, pick out some decor items that can set the mood for your reception area. Aquariums, water features, or helpful bulletin boards are a few ideas to get you started.
Ready to Design Your Reception Area?
If you are ready to start designing your reception area, Mark Downs is here to help you throughout the entire process. If you have questions, feel free to give us a call at 410-771-6800 or visit our Cockeysville showroom. To see what we are up to and for helpful tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.